Contact Us

Building Professionals Pty Ltd

Post: P.O. Box 548
Lindfield NSW 2070

Phone: 0414 441 407


ABN: 66 150 025 362

Licence No: 238792C

Online Enquiry
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
How did you hear about us?
Project Suburb
* Required fields

Online Access

for Homeowners

Our simple online system makes it possible to access your project from any computer, tablet, or smartphone.


Contact us

For all building enquiries, please fill in our online enquiry form or email and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We treat all enquiries in confidence.



Online Enquiry
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
How did you hear about us?
Project Suburb *
Enquiry *
* Required fields
Online Enquiry
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
Email *
How did you hear about us?
Project Suburb *
Enquiry *
* Required fields